123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550 |
- // app.js
- import {
- CbEvents
- } from 'open-im-sdk'
- import openIM from "./utils/openim";
- import HTTP from "./requestFn/Api"
- App({
- onLaunch() {
- // 展示本地存储能力
- const logs = wx.getStorageSync('logs') || []
- logs.unshift(Date.now())
- wx.setStorageSync('logs', logs)
- // 隐藏系统tabbar
- wx.hideTabBar();
- // 获取设备信息
- this.getSystemInfo();
- this.getWxCode();
- },
- onShow: function () {
- const openim_id = wx.getStorageSync('openim_id');
- const openIMToken = wx.getStorageSync('openIMToken');
- if (openim_id) {
- this.globalData.openim_id = openim_id;
- this.globalData.openIMToken = openIMToken;
- openIM.getLoginStatus().then(res => {
- console.log("连接成功", res);
- }).catch(err => {
- console.log("连接失败", err);
- this.login();
- })
- }
- },
- onHide() {
- openIM.logout()
- },
- getSystemInfo: function () {
- let menuButtonObject = wx.getMenuButtonBoundingClientRect();
- let t = this;
- wx.getSystemInfo({
- success: function (res) {
- t.globalData.systemInfo = res;
- let statusBarHeight = res.statusBarHeight,
- navTop = menuButtonObject.top,
- navHeight = statusBarHeight + menuButtonObject.height - (menuButtonObject.top - statusBarHeight) * 2;
- t.globalData.navHeight = navHeight;
- t.globalData.navTop = navTop; //navTop
- t.globalData.windowHeight = res.windowHeight;
- }
- });
- },
- onPullDownRefresh: function () {
- this.onRefresh();
- },
- editTabbar: function () {
- let tabbar = this.globalData.tabBar;
- let currentPages = getCurrentPages();
- let _this = currentPages[currentPages.length - 1];
- let pagePath = _this.route;
- (pagePath.indexOf('/') != 0) && (pagePath = '/' + pagePath);
- for (let i in tabbar.list) {
- tabbar.list[i].selected = false;
- (tabbar.list[i].pagePath == pagePath) && (tabbar.list[i].selected = true);
- }
- _this.setData({
- tabbar: tabbar
- });
- },
- login() {
- const that = this;
- const {
- openim_id: userID,
- openIMToken: token
- } = that.globalData;
- const config = {
- userID,
- token,
- url: "wss://www.wxmini.getensh.com:60001",
- platformID: 5,
- };
- openIM.login(config).then(() => {
- openIM.getAllConversationList().then(res => {
- const str = JSON.parse(res.data);
- let openim_ids = "";
- const Session_list = str.map(item => {
- openim_ids = openim_ids+`${item.userID},`
- return {
- ...item,
- left: 0,
- latestMsg: JSON.parse(item.latestMsg)
- }
- })
- HTTP.OpenimUsers({openim_ids}).then(({list})=>{
- let result = [];
- list.map(item=>{
- Session_list.map(key=>{
- if(item.openim_id===key.userID){
- result.push({...key,faceURL:item.face_url})
- }
- })
- })
- console.log(result);
- that.globalData.Session_list = result;
- }).catch(err=>{
- that.globalData.Session_list = Session_list;
- })
- })
- openIM.getTotalUnreadMsgCount().then(res => {
- that.globalData.unreadCountHome = res.data;
- that.globalData.unreadCountNeig = res.data;
- that.globalData.unreadCountGate = res.data;
- that.globalData.unreadCountMes = res.data;
- that.globalData.unreadCountMine = res.data;
- });
- openIM.on(CbEvents.ONCONVERSATIONCHANGED, (res) => {
- const str = JSON.parse(res.data);
- const {
- Session_list
- } = that.globalData;
- let index = Session_list.findIndex((val) => val.conversationID === str[0].conversationID)
- let item = str[0];
- if (index > -1) {
- const {faceURL} = Session_list[index];
- Session_list.splice(index, 1);
- Session_list.unshift({
- ...item,
- latestMsg: JSON.parse(item.latestMsg),
- left: 0,
- faceURL
- })
- }
- that.globalData.Session_list = Session_list
- })
- openIM.on(CbEvents.ONNEWCONVERSATION, (res) => {
- const str = JSON.parse(res.data);
- const newChat = str.map(item => {
- return {
- ...item,
- left: 0,
- latestMsg: JSON.parse(item.latestMsg)
- }
- })
- const {
- Session_list
- } = that.globalData;
- newChat.forEach((item) => {
- let index = Session_list.findIndex(e =>
- e.conversationID == item.conversationID
- )
- if (index > -1) {
- Session_list[index] = {
- ...item,
- }
- } else {
- Session_list.unshift({
- ...item
- })
- }
- })
- that.globalData.Session_list = Session_list
- })
- that.globalData.unreadCountHome = res.data;
- that.globalData.unreadCountNeig = res.data;
- that.globalData.unreadCountGate = res.data;
- that.globalData.unreadCountMes = res.data;
- that.globalData.unreadCountMine = res.data;
- })
- })
- },
- loginout() {
- openIM.logout().then(res => {
- this.globalData.userID = "";
- this.globalData.Session_list = [];
- this.globalData.unreadCountHome = 0;
- this.globalData.unreadCountNeig = 0;
- this.globalData.unreadCountGate = 0;
- this.globalData.unreadCountMes = 0;
- this.globalData.unreadCountMine = 0;
- })
- },
- sendMessage(val, _this) {
- openIM.createTextMessage(val).then(({
- data
- }) => {
- this.crateMessage(data, _this, 'text')
- })
- },
- sendCard(cardDesc, _this, res) {
- openIM.createCardMessage(cardDesc).then(({
- data
- }) => {
- this.crateMessage(data, _this, 'card', res)
- })
- },
- crateMessage(data, _this, type, res) {
- let recvID;
- let showname;
- if (res) {
- const {
- manager_list,
- } = _this.data;
- recvID = manager_list[res.tapIndex].openim_id;
- showname = manager_list[res.tapIndex].name;
- this.globalData.userID = recvID;
- } else {
- recvID = this.globalData.userID;
- }
- const options = {
- recvID,
- groupID: "",
- message: data,
- };
- openIM.sendMessage(options).then(({
- data,
- }) => {
- if (type == "text") {
- this.handleSendMsg(data, _this)
- } else {
- const userIDList = [recvID]
- openIM.getUsersInfo(userIDList).then(({
- data
- }) => {
- let res = JSON.parse(data);
- const {
- faceURL: faceurl
- } = res[0].publicInfo;
- this.goChat(recvID, showname, faceurl);
- })
- }
- })
- },
- goChat(userID, showname, faceurl) {
- wx.navigateTo({
- url: `/page/message/pages/Chat/chat?userID=${userID}&showname=${showname}&faceurl=${faceurl}`,
- })
- },
- handleSendMsg(data, _this) {
- const that = _this;
- const {
- msgList
- } = that.data;
- let newMessage = JSON.parse(data);
- if (msgList.length > 0) {
- let {
- sendTime
- } = msgList[msgList.length - 1];
- let minutes = (newMessage.sendTime - sendTime) / 1000 / 60;
- if (minutes > 5) {
- newMessage = {
- ...newMessage,
- showTime: true
- };
- } else {
- newMessage = {
- ...newMessage,
- showTime: false
- };
- }
- } else {
- newMessage = {
- ...newMessage,
- showTime: true
- };
- }
- if (newMessage.contentType == 102) {
- newMessage = {
- ...newMessage,
- content: JSON.parse(newMessage.content)
- };
- }
- that.setData({
- msgList: [...msgList, newMessage],
- inputVal: "",
- lineCount: 1,
- textareaHeight: 8,
- toView: "msg-" + msgList.length,
- })
- },
- getMessage(flag, _this) {
- const that = _this;
- const {
- userID,
- } = this.globalData;
- const {
- msgList
- } = that.data;
- const options = {
- groupID: "",
- startClientMsgID: flag ? msgList[0].clientMsgID : '', // 上一次拉取的最后一条消息ID或空字符串,为空字符则从最新一条开始
- count: 12,
- userID,
- }
- openIM.getHistoryMessageList(options).then(({
- data
- }) => {
- let result = JSON.parse(data);
- const newMessageList = [];
- if (result.length > 0) {
- result.forEach((item, index) => {
- if ([102, 108].includes(item.contentType)) {
- item.content = JSON.parse(item.content)
- }
- if (index == 0) {
- newMessageList.push({
- ...item,
- showTime: true,
- })
- } else {
- const current = result[index].sendTime;
- let minutes;
- const lastShowTime = result[index - 1].sendTime;
- minutes = (current - lastShowTime) / 1000 / 60;
- if (minutes > 5) {
- newMessageList.push({
- ...item,
- showTime: true,
- })
- } else {
- newMessageList.push({
- ...item,
- showTime: false,
- })
- }
- }
- })
- if (flag) {
- that.setData({
- msgList: [...newMessageList, ...msgList, ],
- inputVal: ''
- })
- that.setData({
- toView: 'msg-' + [newMessageList.length - 2],
- })
- } else {
- that.setData({
- msgList: newMessageList,
- toView: 'msg-' + [newMessageList.length - 1],
- })
- }
- }
- console.log(newMessageList);
- that.setData({
- refer: false
- })
- }).catch(err => {
- console.log("获取会话列表失败", err);
- })
- },
- createImage(url, _this) {
- const that = _this;
- const {
- userID: recvID,
- } = this.globalData;
- const baseInfo = {
- uuid: "", //图片唯一id
- type: "png", //图片类型
- size: 12465, //图片大小
- width: 1080, //图片宽度
- height: 720, //图片高度
- url
- }
- const data = {
- sourcePicture: baseInfo, //原图信息
- bigPicture: baseInfo, //大图信息
- snapshotPicture: baseInfo, //缩略图信息
- }
- openIM.createImageMessage(data).then(res => {
- const options = {
- recvID,
- groupID: "",
- message: res.data,
- };
- openIM.sendMessageNotOss(options).then(({
- data,
- }) => {
- this.handleSendMsg(data, that)
- }).catch(err => {})
- })
- },
- deleteChat(conversationID, index, _this) {
- const that = _this;
- const app = this;
- openIM.deleteConversation(conversationID).then(res => {
- const {
- Session_list
- } = that.data;
- Session_list.splice(index, 1);
- that.setData({
- Session_list
- })
- app.globalData.Session_list = Session_list;
- })
- },
- //获取code
- getWxCode() {
- const that = this;
- wx.login({
- success(res) {
- that.globalData.code = res.code;
- }
- })
- },
- onRefresh: function () {
- //导航条加载动画
- wx.showNavigationBarLoading()
- //loading 提示框
- wx.showLoading({
- title: 'Loading...',
- })
- setTimeout(function () {
- wx.hideLoading();
- wx.hideNavigationBarLoading();
- //停止下拉刷新
- wx.stopPullDownRefresh();
- }, 1000)
- },
- watch: function (variate, method) {
- var obj = this.globalData;
- let val = obj[variate]; // 单独变量来存储原来的值
- Object.defineProperty(obj, variate, {
- configurable: false,
- enumerable: true,
- set: function (value) {
- val = value; // 重新赋值
- method(variate, value); // 执行回调方法
- },
- get: function () {
- return val; // 返回当前值
- }
- })
- },
- onMessage(_this) {
- const that = _this;
- openIM.on(CbEvents.ONRECVNEWMESSAGE, (res) => {
- const {
- msgList
- } = that.data;
- let data = JSON.parse(res.data);
- const {
- userID
- } = this.globalData;
- if (userID == data.sendID & data.status == 2) {
- let current = data.sendTime;
- let minutes;
- let lastShowTime = msgList[msgList.length - 1].sendTime;
- minutes = (current - lastShowTime) / 1000 / 60;
- if (minutes > 5) {
- data = {
- ...data,
- showTime: true
- }
- } else {
- data = {
- ...data,
- showTime: false
- }
- }
- if (data.contentType == 102) {
- data = {
- ...data,
- content: JSON.parse(data.content)
- }
- }
- that.setData({
- msgList: [...msgList, data],
- });
- that.setData({
- toView: "msg-" + msgList.length
- })
- if (userID) {
- this.readMessage()
- }
- }
- })
- },
- readMessage() {
- const {
- userID,
- } = this.globalData;
- const options = {
- userID,
- msgIDList: []
- }
- openIM.markC2CMessageAsRead(options)
- },
- globalData: {
- userID: "",
- baseURL: "https://www.wxmini.getensh.com/api/v1",
- code: "",
- can_pay: false,
- house_id: null,
- house_name: null,
- garden_id: null,
- garden_name: null,
- house_list: [],
- tabBar: {
- "backgroundColor": "#ffffff",
- "color": "#707070",
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- "list": [{
- "pagePath": "/page/tabBar/home/index",
- "iconPath": "icon/home.png",
- "selectedIconPath": "icon/home-select.png",
- "text": "首页"
- },
- {
- "pagePath": "/page/tabBar/neighbor/index",
- "iconPath": "icon/book.png",
- "selectedIconPath": "icon/book-select.png",
- "text": "邻里"
- },
- {
- "pagePath": "/page/tabBar/gate/index",
- "iconPath": "icon/phone.png",
- "isSpecial": true,
- "text": ""
- },
- {
- "pagePath": "/page/tabBar/message/index",
- "iconPath": "icon/message.png",
- "selectedIconPath": "icon/message-select.png",
- "text": "消息"
- },
- {
- "pagePath": "/page/tabBar/mine/index",
- "iconPath": "icon/my.png",
- "selectedIconPath": "icon/my-select.png",
- "text": "我的"
- },
- ]
- },
- navHeight: 0,
- navTop: 0,
- authentication: false,
- city_name: "",
- city_code: "",
- longitude: 0,
- latitude: 0,
- client_id: "QufW7Lmgn84ZMiYQybH5MYYq",
- client_secret: "yprUS1IDQGsH4saSrx3j4YKQLsacgoFn",
- Session_list: [],
- unreadCountHome: 0,
- unreadCountNeig: 0,
- unreadCountGate: 0,
- unreadCountMes: 0,
- unreadCountMine: 0,
- },
- })